B e l l H e l m e t s, C a m p a i g n o f T e r r o r |
The one company most responsible for the decline in young
cyclists across the US.
By carrying out their Campaign of Terror
Bell has chosen to misrepresent the dangers of cycling in order to sell helmets.
Bell Helmet has also paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to
lobbyists to promote mandatory helmet laws across the US and
elsewhere, against the wishes of a majority of cyclists who oppose
such laws.
Inaccurate claims and fear mongering, clearly visible in this
ad, are responsible for the large number of parents who
drive their children to and from school even though they might live
only a few blocks away.

click to enlarge
Only you can do something about this
company's misleading and unethical marketing. Please do not purchase
products manufactured by Bell (or their wholly-owned subsidiary Giro) and write them with your thoughts.
Non-commercial helmet and safety sites:
Comments to: Committee to Boycott
Bell Helmets